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The Intro
The Core
The Story

Welcome to the New Ki

Introducing Ki Mobility's New Website and Identity!

Not really a new identity, it's a more accurate identity and better represents who we are and what we want to be for our customers.

Our new logo is a simpler, cleaner graphic, not so flashy. Ki Mobility isn't flashy.

Better by Design is a simple statement that expresses what's behind our approach to all of our products and services. Throughout our history we have focused on providing the assistive technology professional with products and services that makes their job easier. It didn't just happen. We designed it this way.

This new website is designed so that if you know what you are looking for you can find it with minimal clicks. If you are browsing it is visually attractive and clearly communicates our offerings. We have added several new services such as a map based dealer locator, video tutorials and a Google driven site search tool. We hope it makes it easier for you to do your job.

Please let us know what you think.

Thank you,

Doug Munsey

Core Beliefs

We Build It Better
We understand that innovative design must always lead to a functional product that improves lives and makes mobility easier. From agility and maneuverability to structural integrity, strength and durability. We don't just make wheelchairs, we make wheelchairs better.

Relationships are Not One-Dimensional
People are connected to people who are connected to other people-and the better we understand the full support systems that our end users rely on, the better we are able to serve our customers. We value our relationships and conversations with everyone who interacts with our products, from product designers and engineers to clinicians, complex rehab technology professionals and end users.

It's a Trust Thing
At Ki Mobility, service is part of the product. We understand that a great product experience-for customers and the people we serve-lasts a lifetime, from product specification, fitting and adjusting to training and maintenance.

Finding the Right Fit
What makes a wheelchair extraordinary is how well it fits the needs and ambitions of the person using it. Our service and product lines ensure that each individual story matters.

Remain within Reach
We feel it is important that both our people and our products remain accessible and available to you. We strive to create a unique place in the market: offering you more than just best-in-class products. We are here to support you. To make it easier for you, the complex rehab professional, to meet the needs of your clients.

Better by Design

About Us

Doug Munsey and Murray Slagerman founded Ki Mobility in 2005. With a combined experience of over 50 years in the complex rehab industry it is their comprehensive knowledge that drives Ki Mobility to achieve the success we share today.

We started small, in size and scope, determined to design a high quality lightweight folding wheelchair that responds like a rigid. The Catalyst lines innovative design concepts breathed new life back into the folding wheelchair market. Three additional product lines in the pediatric, rigid and tilt-in-space categories have since launched with similar success.

Although we have experienced steady growth through the years, the high level of personalized service and a keen attention to detail remains. With an emphasis on remembering what is important and what it is that makes a difference in the industry we continue to move forward.

It didn't just happen. We designed it this way.